Fashions may come and go, but some core principles will never go out of style. From basic grooming habits to classic clothing rules, these tips will ensure you always look your best.
Bell bottoms are back. The nineties are big again. Kids are wearing Metallica shirts like they’ve been fans since the ‘80s. It goes without saying that fads come and go (then usually come back again—for better or worse). And while that vicious cycle will never change, neither will some tried-and-true style tips. Pay attention to the points below to stay fashionable, whether you’re at the bar with Don Draper or cogging out with George Jetson.
1: Brush your teeth (like, really brush them).
Smiles are considered by many to be a person’s most attractive (or unattractive) feature. Paying close attention to your pearly whites may mean the difference between that number at the bar or another night solo. So do like your mom said and show your chompers some love. That means two minutes of brushing at least two times a day. And this should go without saying, but don’t forgot that floss (and bonus points for mouthwash).
2: Button your jacket like a big boy.
Your suit jackets, sport coats and blazers may be betraying a fact you didn’t even know you need to know, ya know? Mostly, that you don’t understand the rules tied to the buttons. If your jacket has three buttons, only do the top two or the middle one—never all three. Two buttons? Just the top. If you have a single button, just use that baby like an on/off switch. Last tip: If you’re sitting down, ALWAYS unbutton your jacket. Easy peasy.
3: Time for some sleep, Tyler Durden.
If eyes are windows to the soul, you probably want to keep them looking pretty good—read: not bloodshot with bags at the bottom. But it’s not just the eyes that get you. Sleep (or the lack thereof) affects pretty much every part of your physical appearance, whether you know it or not; all the way from the health of your skin to that beer gut you’re trying to keep at bay.
4: Get a haircut, ya hippy.
Getting a little shaggy around the ears? Maybe you’re doing that classic Bieber head toss more than you know. According to the New York Times, dudes should get their dos freshened up every three to six weeks. That’s not a hard and fast rule—if you keep it a little longer, you get a little more leeway. But if you like the close fade that’s right down to the skin, you should pay a visit to your barber every week or so. Need a good way to stay fresh between cuts? We got you.
5: Keep your beard in good shape.
Those of you with facial hair have extra responsibilities. The problem is, most men take them too seriously. Beards, like your normal hair, don’t need to be washed every day. In fact, it really only needs a good cleaning one or two times each week. Anything more than that may strip your flowing facial locks of their natural oil. To that same point, you only need to trim your beard every couple of weeks. Use that timeline as a guide to take care of OTHER hair as well. Your boys will thank you (and so will your partner), especially if you use a bit of this.
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